My Dreams and Determinations

My Dreams and Determinations

To have my signature in the World of Letters.

To leave my foot prints in the most beautiful destinations in the world. (Our dream project- Travelogue)

Launching a charitable organization for poor, orphans and destitutes.

To merge into this Nature through the experience of my Love and fervent coupling.

"To win the life through My Secret Wish".

Monday, March 14, 2016


Life always brings surprises  
Either through dreams or realities 
At times dreams become reality 
Or reality becomes dreams.

I'm gathering all your silence
To embrace my beautiful aspirations
Through my unconditional Love 
And the mystic presence of Your Being.

My Love is powerful and eternal 
And It's gonna to reach You one day 
To experience it's divinity and completeness 
Before the merging of my body into this Nature.

Just wanna to convey only one thing 
Thank You!!! 
And Love you!!!
From the bottom of My heart .