My Dreams and Determinations

My Dreams and Determinations

To have my signature in the World of Letters.

To leave my foot prints in the most beautiful destinations in the world. (Our dream project- Travelogue)

Launching a charitable organization for poor, orphans and destitutes.

To merge into this Nature through the experience of my Love and fervent coupling.

"To win the life through My Secret Wish".

Thursday, January 14, 2021

❤️You & Me❤️


“Are you sad?...”

“I know you are sad😔. But you know why did I come to your life and I know you are a bold Mom too.

“Yes, my Little One. It’s a painful reality, but I need to accept it as it is.”

“But, my apologies my Little One for I couldn’t complete Your Journey.”

“Mom... you don’t need to be sorry about that. Both of us knew the purpose of my journey. It was accomplished and it’s my time to say Goodbye to You. “

“Yes, Thank You for coming into my Life and giving me a right directions in my Life. I am sure I did take care of You well all these days... Love You a lot.... “

“And...of course I am going to MISS You  in my whole Life....”


With lots of Love 

Your Mom

(4/12/20 - 14/1/21)