My Dreams and Determinations

My Dreams and Determinations

To have my signature in the World of Letters.

To leave my foot prints in the most beautiful destinations in the world. (Our dream project- Travelogue)

Launching a charitable organization for poor, orphans and destitutes.

To merge into this Nature through the experience of my Love and fervent coupling.

"To win the life through My Secret Wish".

Saturday, February 22, 2020


It's been 5 years ... 

A dream had taken over My Destiny five years ago...

It was a journey ...

Journey to identify my Identity, Uniqueness, Life path and Love...

It was a dream....

A dream with no beginning and no ending....

It was from My void...

I was only embraced by repudiations ... 
No hope, no confidence and no existence ...

But, Today I am happy to be here in this beautiful Earth as A Woman who identified her powerful and determined individuality within Herself....

Expressing My sincere Gratitude to the great personalities who manifested me the Path of Success through their Love and Repudiation towards My Existence...

Thank You Lord for all the moments in my Life, with which You recreated me as a New Individual...

With Love and Gratitude 