My Dreams and Determinations

My Dreams and Determinations

To have my signature in the World of Letters.

To leave my foot prints in the most beautiful destinations in the world. (Our dream project- Travelogue)

Launching a charitable organization for poor, orphans and destitutes.

To merge into this Nature through the experience of my Love and fervent coupling.

"To win the life through My Secret Wish".

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Hearkening to a music at  times nourishes me with certain reminiscences. This song has evoked memories of my childhood as well as the persons who inspired me in every walk of life.

Pappa is traveling to Vellore for his further treatment today. His health condition is exacerbating after each episodes of treatment. Since then, his level of confidence is deteriorating, and I can experience what he's going through now. 

My Pappa, one among the persons whom I admired  most in my early childhood. Eventually, Life had placed me in a certain circumstances by which my admiration had been converted to a phobic state. 

Nevertheless, my life experiences have inculcated me with a new perception towards living that never ever hurts someone's feelings. No matter how I was humiliated and mistreated by the people whom I adore and admire most, I have always been determined to provide them the best in their life by being  a responsible daughter, caring sister, understanding wife and a true friend. 

When I visited my father last time, he was at the verge of crying whenever he looked at my face. Even if my heart was sinking, I controlled all my emotions for being  a confident and strong daughter in front of him. He really wished me to accompany with him through out his hospital stay, but unfortunately I couldn't stay with him even a single night due to my ill health. 

He told me once, " I have been experiencing a sort of relief once you took charge of  all my treatment decisions. Now I am confident." Then I noticed his eyes were filled with tears. From that day forth he achieved a credence in his recuperation. But now....

Pappa.. I really wish I should be there with you all these times. It's my duty and responsibility to be there but life is not enabling me to have that fortune in my living... Please forgive me... I trust and pray that you will come back to a new life soon.. 

My father is really suffering from his disease... It is not easy to go through such devastating situations in life... You must have both psychological and financial support to overcome all these experiences. We spent already nearly 10 lakhs for his treatment, still need to continue that to save his life... Each chemotherapy costs 60000 Rs... The scan costs 40000 Rs.. This is not to show our budget... Just to inform you all that people who are suffering from cancer really need psychological as well as financial help.. They are actually not suffering from the adversities of the disease, instead the financial burden associated with the treatment....
Even though my Pappa had a very healthy lifestyle, he ended up with cancer... I know it's a fate ... but if you know that you are responsible for your illness, please have an attempt to lead a healthy life...  To avoid the aftermath of any diseases in the long run... Be compassionate with your body and soul.. Stay Healthy...

I may not be worth enough in your life ... I might be a person with full of nonsense... But expressing my heart felt gratitude to those precious people who conveyed their affection towards me through the most beautiful words in this universe "LOVE YOU" ...  Stay blessed...

Have a safe journey Pappa..... LOVE YOU PAPPA ..... OUR PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU......

With lots of Love, Hugs and Kisses.... Your beloved daughter ....

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