My Dreams and Determinations

My Dreams and Determinations

To have my signature in the World of Letters.

To leave my foot prints in the most beautiful destinations in the world. (Our dream project- Travelogue)

Launching a charitable organization for poor, orphans and destitutes.

To merge into this Nature through the experience of my Love and fervent coupling.

"To win the life through My Secret Wish".

Friday, July 31, 2015


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Do you ever ponder that whether we need a  conclusion for everything? Actually not, because certain things in the universe  always exist as infinite. Why I did begin with the topic conclusion is  for illustrating the fact that even if the intensity and frequency of attraction might be diminished or disconnected by external stimuli, the vibration emits from our energy field has the strength to be reconnected again. I would like portrait this with my own experience.
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Anee… one among the two special people who influenced me and  knows  in and out of my life and my expressions. Speaking about her, she is a bold lady with high intellect and multifaceted personality. I was disconnected from her for last two years and fortunately reconnected again last month.  We met each other in Delhi. Actually we never cherished our togetherness based on a "best friend's theory" like sitting together, chatting together, eating together etc…. NEVER…. we always appreciated our friendship as finding our own space in our relationship as two different personalities, but we could sense each other's pulsation.

When I met her recently, she conveyed that Tintu after meeting you again, I filled with an immense joy and positive energy, which was also acknowledged by her better-half as well. That is just because of the similarity of energy field surrounding us and we both could recognize that. So it's a fact that mankind with same vibes always have the proficiency to comprehend and compliment each other,  and that relationship embellish with affirmative bedrock, in turn propagate the uttermost contentment. Their dreams, level of thinking, desires, creativity and personality would be almost similar.

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Anyway life will move on and I am proud of myself that I could meet two amazing people in my life with equivalent vibes, no matter where they are. I trust that we will be coupled with each other through deep relating. To be continued….   

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